about us
the digiwidget story
Work should be easier for WordPress developers and designers! DigiWidgets works around the clock to make that happen. We see the difficulties you face and bridge the gap between what WordPress offers and what you need to build the most proficient websites of all-time.
Every year we release THE coolest, most innovative WordPress Plugin our team of expert developers can possibly put together and unleash it onto the web dev world. Stay tuned and subscribe to our Developers Club to get insiders info on the next big DigiWidgets widget.

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PROJECT 2015: The DigiWidgets Image Editor
Why it changes the WordPress Game: Clients with no development experience can add images to their WordPress websites without any need for editing from their designer or photo-editing software like Photoshop. Drag-n-drop ease of use – our photo editor tool allows WordPress designers to set predefined templates and users can simply insert the photos they love without the need to crop or resize.
My new favorite plugin. My clients love being able to add images that fit perfectly into their site (without bugging me and paying for it) – and I love that my design doesn’t get ruined by distorted or uncropped images. A beautiful win-win.
level up your wordpress game
If you’ve ever wished you had a photo editor inside your WordPress dashboard, you’ve met your match. DigiWidgets can make your life much easier! Whether you’re looking to hack your workflow or make the client handoff an easier process, the plugin is for you. Click the button below to snag up your copy of DigiWidgets now.